Embodied Resilience:

A Therapuetic Yoga Reatreat in McCall Idaho

Why attend an embodied retreat?

Our culture teaches us over and over to disregard our body and our emotions and to focus only on thinking, thoughts, and logic.

So much is missed when we do that!

Our bodies have so much to teach us! Our bodies hold the potential for healing deeper than our thoughts every could.

The body is the vessel for all of our experiences and holds the energy of what was overwhelming or incomplete in the past. What involved the body to begin with requires the body to heal.

This retreat blends together body based approaches with mind focused interventions to truly bring alignment in the mind-body-spirit system.

What you can expect:

* Daily yoga (trauma informed & appropriate for all levels)

* Meditation

*Breath Practices


*Resiliency Practices

* Shared home cooked meals & unforced connection with others

* A healthy dose of nature's beauty

No experience with Yoga, Meditation, Breath practice, or therapy is required. Come as you are!

Who should come?

* survivors of trauma

* People who have experienced stress

* People who are grieving

* People who have worked really hard and need a break

* Therapists

* Yoga practitioners

About the venue:

This year we have secured a beautiful cabin located on Tranquility Drive in McCall, Idaho. This spacious cabin is located in a beautiful meadow with amazing views, plenty of space for exploring, and an energy of calm and rejuvenation.